Various software development topics.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Build types, what are they?

You've had this great product idea and thrown together some software along with make files, or perhaps you have convinced someone that your idea is worth funding and now you busy writing code, and there's no time to worry about silly little things you don't need today.

However, attitudes like this have a habit of catching up with you. All too often the problem becomes obvious many months (or more) down the road when your build system is creaking under the load of the unanticipated jobs it is being asked to do.

It is worth while thinking about the different types of builds you are likely to want to perform if your idea turns into a real project or product. Here are some that seem obvious:

  • Developer builds. These are where developers build all or parts of the software in their own sandbox or workspace. These might include changes that have not been checked into Subversion (or whatever revision control system you are using).
  • Daily builds. If you are not doing daily builds you should definitely consider them. At the very least they can quickly tell you that the build is broken, and they facilitate testing of the current code base by the whole team. Some people even run a build for checkin using Subversion's commit hooks, although when commits are happening at a fast and furious pace, this can cause problems.
  • QA/Product builds. You are finally ready to release something to QA, and if all goes well, it might actually be released to customers.
There are other build types that can be considered as well, like special builds, and there can be sub-types, like debug builds, release builds, and so on. However, what I want to write about here is how to support different build types in your make files and include files.

The following snippet of Makefile code shows one way to do this:

#Set any other product build settings here as well
#Set any other daily build settings here as well
#Default to a developer build
With this code in your makefiles, your various build scripts can pass the appropriate strings to make. If your cron job that runs the daily builds you would include something like:


And once you decide to cut a product build, the scripts that handle the process would pass BUILD_TYPE=PRODUCT_BUILD to make as well.

How does this help? Well, your product will probably have a startup banner, perhaps like the following:

MyHotApplication Version 1.1 (svn_change_#)
but at some point it is going to become difficult to keep track of which tests were run with which version and build of your software. Using the build type flags suggested above you can customise the startup banner (and many other things) according to the build type that the application was built with. The following example version.h file suggests one way to do this:

#version.h for MyHotApplication
#if defined(_PRODUCT_BUILD)
#define VERSION "MyHotApplication V1.1"
#elif defined(_DAILY_BUILD)
#define VERSION "MyHotApplication V1.1(DailyBuild)"
#define VERSION "MyHotApplication V1.1(Developer)"
Clearly, you wouldn't duplicate all those strings and you would make more use of the various macros available, but since I am pressed for space, I have kept it simple here.

Of course, you probably also want to automatically include revision numbers, but that is another topic.

Putting infrastructure in like this up front costs very little time and will pay enormous dividends over the lifetime of your project.

Any development environment that uses Gnu Make can use this approach (eg, Linux, VxWorks), but the same techniques can be used with other versions of make. They can even be used with nmake and the Microsoft tools, it seems.

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